Lilies & Lupines Paper Bouquet


Lilies & Lupines are the latest blooms from FreshCut Paper.  Majestic Lilies, have long been a symbol of rebirth, are combined with stately Lupines, celebrating the optimism that leads to the discovery of new opportunities, to create a stunning mixed bouquet. A thoughtful gift that bestows warm wishes and encouragement for the future - sentiments that are as enduring as the bouquet itself.

Includes:  bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
Measures approx 12" high by 9" across

Lilies & Lupines are the latest blooms from FreshCut Paper.  Majestic Lilies, have long been a symbol of rebirth, are combined with stately Lupines, celebrating the optimism that leads to the discovery of new opportunities, to create a stunning mixed bouquet. A thoughtful gift that bestows warm wishes and encouragement for the future - sentiments that are as enduring as the bouquet itself.

Includes:  bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
Measures approx 12" high by 9" across