
Nantucket Hydrangea Paper Bouquet


Includes: bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
Measures approx 12" high by 9" across

Flowers and envelope are 100% recyclable paper
Inspired by the sea breeze and traditional basketry of nantucket, our hydrangea bouquet captures the essence and serenity of an oceanscape. Enveloped with blossoms of cerulean, indigo, and powder blue, this timeless favorite is a symbol of gratitude, understanding, and harmony.


Includes: bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
Measures approx 12" high by 9" across

Flowers and envelope are 100% recyclable paper
Inspired by the sea breeze and traditional basketry of nantucket, our hydrangea bouquet captures the essence and serenity of an oceanscape. Enveloped with blossoms of cerulean, indigo, and powder blue, this timeless favorite is a symbol of gratitude, understanding, and harmony.