
Red Roses Paper Bouquet


This classic FreshCut Paper pop up bouquet boasts a full dozen luscious Red Roses, with a sprinkling of Baby’s Breath for the perfect Valentine's Day card. Show your love to your sweeties, crushes, teachers, mothers, kiddos, and cuties with these timeless beauties.

Includes:  bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
Measures approx 12" high by 9" across
This classic FreshCut Paper pop up bouquet boasts a full dozen luscious Red Roses, with a sprinkling of Baby’s Breath for the perfect Valentine's Day card. Show your love to your sweeties, crushes, teachers, mothers, kiddos, and cuties with these timeless beauties.

Includes:  bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope
Measures approx 12" high by 9" across